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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
2001Addressing the public heath crisis caused by arsenic contamination of drinking water in Bangladesh [book]Kaufmann, Rachel; Sorensen, Birte; Rahman, Mahfuzur; Streatfield, Kim; Persson, Lars Ake
2006Arsenic exposure in pregnancy: a population-based study in Matlab, BangladeshVahter, Marie E.; Li, Li; Nermell, Barbro; Rahman, Anisur; Arifeen, Shams El; Rahman, Mahfuzar; Persson, Lars Ake; Ekstrom, Eva-Charlotte
2001Arsenic in drinking water : a public health point of viewSmith, Allan H.; Rahman, Mahfuzar
Apr-2000Arsenic in drinking water : how much is tool much[newspaper]Rahman, Mahfuzar
Jun-2000Arsenic in drinking water and skin lesions[abstract]Rahman, Mahfuzar; Milton, Abul Hasnat
1998Arsenic in drinking water: an emerging environmental health challengeHoque, Bilqis A.; Ahmed, Shafiul A.; Chowdhury, Uttam K.; Chowdhury, J.T.A.; Morshed, G.; Maynard, Donald M.; Frisbie, Seth
2001Arsenic in tube well water and health consequencesPersson, Lars Ake
2003: Arsenic in tube well water and health consequencesRahman, Mahfuzar
Jun-2000Arsenic ingestion and health effects in Bangladesh : consequences of well water Arsenic level more than 50 ug/1[abstract]Rahman, Mahfuzar; Axelson, Olav
199Arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh: review of current situation[book chapter]Rabbani, G.H; Anwer, Kazi Selim; Hossain, Afzal; Das, H.K.; Gupta, P.K. Sen; Alam, M.S.; Siddique, A.K.M.; Islam, Sufia
2007Association between arsenic exposure and age at menarche and physical growth of adolescent girls: a cross sectional study in Matlab, BangladeshRhaman, Anisur
2002The Bangladesh arsenic calamity and reproduction : does arsenic contamination of drinking water result in fetal wastage, intrauterine growth retardation, neonatal deaths and impaired cognitive development, and to what extent can nutrition intervention reduce the riskPersson, Lars Ake
May-1999Bangladesh Arsenic Control Society (BACS) : Background, scopes and objectives[conference paper]Rabbani, G.H.
May-2001Chronic aresenic poisoning and respiratory effects in BangladeshMilton, Abul Hasnat; Hasan, Ziul; Rahman, Atiqur; Rahman, Mahfuzar
2000Contamination of drinking-water by arsenic in Bangladesh: a public health emergencySmith, Allah H.; Lingas, Elena O.; Rahman, Mahfuzar
5-Sep-2007Deadly wells: taking action to protectRahman, Mahfuzar
1999Effects of arsenic poisoning on health-an overview[book chapter]SenGupta, P.K.; Anwar, K. Selim; Das, H.K.; Hossain, Afzal; Rabbani, G.H.
2003Effects of plant polyphenols on arsenic-Induced toxicity in rabbitsRabbani, G.H.
2002Efficacy of flocculent technology as an arsenic mitigation strategyRahman, Mahfuzur
1999Environment pollution with arsenic in drinking water: an emerging public health problem in Bangladesh[book]Anwar, K. Selim; Hossain, Afzal; Siddique, A.K.; SenGupta, P.K.; Rabbani, G.H.