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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Mar-2012The acidosis of cholera. Contributions of hyperproteinemia, lactic acidemia, and hyperphosphatemia to an increased serum anion gapWang, Fong; Butler, Thomas; Rabbani, G.H.; Jones, Paul K.
Aug-1991Antibody responses after immunization with killed oral cholera vaccines during the 1985 vaccine field trial in BangladeshSack, D. A.; Clemens, J. D.; Huda, S.; Harris, J. R.; Khan, M. R.; Chakraborty, J.; Yunus, M.; Gomes, J.; Siddique, O.; Ahmed, F.; Kay, B. A.; Loon, F. P. L. Van; Rao, M. R.; Svennerholm, A. M.; Holmgren, J.
Oct-2010Causes of death of adults and elderly and healthcare-seeking before death in rural BangladeshAlam, Nurul; Chowdhury, Hafizur Rahman; Bhuiyan, Monirul Alam; Streatfield, Peter Kim
1975Changing pattterns of death among cholera patients in DaccaRahaman, M. Mujibur; Alam, A. K. M. J.; Islam, R.
May-1988Cholera, rotavirus and ETEC diarrhoea : some clinico-epidemiological featuresKhan, Moslem Uddin; Eeckels, R.; Alam, A.N.; Rahman, Nurur
1999Clinical trial of zinc supplementation in cholera patientsRoy, S.K.
Nov-1986Colonic dysfunction during cholera infectionSpeelman, Peter; Butler, Thomas; Kabir, Iqbal; Ali, Akbar; Banwell, John
1977Comparison of sucrose and glucose in the oral electrolyte therapy of cholera and other severe diarrheasPalmer, Darwin L.; Koster, F.T.; Islam, A.F.M Rafiqul; Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur; Sack, R. Bradley
1992Contraceptive use in Matlab, Bangladesh in 1990: levels, trends, and explanationsKoenig, Michael A.; Rob, Ubaidur; Khan, Mehrab Ali; Chakraborty, J.; Fauveau, Vincent
Jun-2004Cultural and social context of dysentery: implications for the introduction of a new vaccine.Blum, Lauren S.; Nahar, Nazmul
Dec-1984Distribution and spread of colonic lesions in shigellosis: a colonoscopic studySpeelman, Peter; Kabir, Iqbal; Islam, Moyenul
1982Education and infant survival in rural Bangladesh[manuscript]Chowdhury, A.K.M. Alauddin
2005Efficacy of lysine supplementation in reducing attack rates of diarrhea in adults: a community-based randomized trial in urban BangladeshAhmed, Tahmeed
2003Efficacy of salovum egg powder containing antisectory factor (AF) in the treatment of severe cholera in adultAlam, Nur Haque
2002Estimation of the average vitamin A requirement of adult malesJamil, K.M.A.
Jul-1991Evaluation of indigenous plants in the treatment of acute shigellosisHaider, R; Khan, AKA; Aziz, KMS; Chowdhury, A; Kabir, I
1996Further studies of systemic and local immune responses in shigellosis in order to establish protective vaccineIslam, Dilara; Raqib, Rubhana; Andersson, Jan; Christensson, Birger; Wretlind, Bengt; Bardhan, Pradip Kumar; Khan, Nurul Haque
2008Health and science bulletin vol.6 no.2 [English]International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh
1-Apr-1978Intrafamily food distribution and feeding practicesChen, Lincoln C.
Jan-1993Levels and differentials in weight, height and body mass index among mothers in a rural area of BangladeshBhuiya, Abbas; Mostafa, Golam