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Results 1-10 of 24 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Nov-2007Description of clinical and laboratory features of severe cholera due to vibrio cholerae O139 (Bengal)Hossain, Shahadat; Biswas, Rabi; Rabbani, G.H.; Salam, M.A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
14-Nov-2007A qualitative study of the problem-solving process in obstetric complications: the gap between home and hospitalJuncker, Therese; Akhter, Parveen
13-Nov-2007Efficacy of tetracycline in the treatment of cholera due to vibrio cholerae O139Hossain, Shahadat; Salam, MA; Rabbani, GH; Kabir, Iqbal; Mahalanabis, Dilip
17-Nov-2007Faecaleucocytes in cholera due to vibrio cholerae 0139 bengalKhan, A. Miraj; Rabbani, G.H.; Fuchs, G.
18-Nov-2007Effectiveness of an iron supplementation programme for pregnant and postpartum women in rural BangladeshStoltzfus, R.J.; Chakraborty, J.; Rice, A.; de la Biere, B.; de Francisco, A.
19-Nov-2007Determinants of haemoglobin level during pregnancy and relationship with pregnancy outcome in Bangladeshi urban poorOsendarp, Saskia; Wahed, MA; Baqui, A.H; Arifeen, S.; Mahmud, Hasan; van Raaij, Joop
20-Nov-2007Reported morbid symptoms and conditions of pregnant, intrapartum and postpartum women: experience from three villagesShaheerr, Rubina; Yunus, M.; de Francisco, A.; Tonkinson, Myma; Vaughan, J. Patrick
14-Nov-2007Presence of a daughter in the family and old-age survival of mothers in Matlab, BangladeshMostafa, Golam; Sutradhar, Santosh Chandra; Rahman, Mizanur
18-Nov-2007Breastmilk retinol levels in Bangladeshi mothers: reflection on the serum retinol level of infantsShahid, Nigar S.; Waned, M.A.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, M.; Steinhoff, M.C.
18-Nov-2007Exclusive breast-feeding reduces ARI and diarrhoea deaths among infants inArifeen, S.E.; Black, R.E.; Antelman, G.; Baqui, A.H.