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Showing results 6086 to 6105 of 6187 < previous   next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998Waning of maternal measles antibody in the offspringsShrestha, P.S.; Ahmed, Shamcem; Islam, M. Nurul; Jalaluddin, Mohammed; Bhuiyan, Abbas; Rahman, A.M.S. Matiur
2001Wast management in healthcare facilities : a reviewNessa, Khairun; Quaiyum, M. A.; Barkat-e-Khuda
2001Waste Management in Healthcare Facilities: A ReviewNessa, Khairun; Quaiyum, M.A.; Khuda, Barkat-e-
Nov-1991Water and Sanitation Priorities for the 1990'sBilquis, A. H.; Sack, R. B; Bateman, M.; Zeitlyn, S.
23-May-1984Water and sanitation education in Dhaka, BangladeshStanton, Bonita; Clemens, John; Khair, Tajkera; Rahman, M.M.
Jul-1984Water and sanitation education in Dhaka, BangladeshStanton, Bonita; Clemens, John; Khair, Tajkera; Rahaman, M.M.
1968Water and sodium absorption in the human intestineLove, A.H.; Mitchell, T.G.; Phillips, R.A.
1977Water and the transmission of El Tor Cholera in rural BangladeshHughes, James M.; Boyce, John M.; Levine, Richard J.; Khan, Moslemuddin; Curlin, George T.
Sep-1998Water management practices in rural and urban homes: a case study from Bangladesh on ingestion of polluted waterAhmed, S. A.; Hoque, B.A.; Mahmud, A.
Jun-2008Water quality in South Asia[editorial]Luby, Stephen
1978Water sources and the incidence of cholera in rural BangladeshKhan, Moslemuddin; Mosley, W. Henry; Chakraborty, J.; Sarder, A. Majid; Khan, M.R.
Jan-1978Water sources and the incidence of cholera in rural Bangladesh(abstract)Khan, Moslemuddin; Chakraborty, J.; Sarder, A. Majid; Khan, M.R.
Jan-1963Water studies in connection with cholera epidemicsAhmed, Syed Zafar
1990Water supply, sanitation and hygiene education ; report of a health impact study in Mirzapur, Bangladesh[book]Aziz, K.M.A.; Hoque, B.A.; Huttly, S.R.A.
24-Sep-1977Water use behavior studyBriscoe, John
Oct-1995Water, sanitation, solid waste and hygiene education system in rural BangladeshHoque, Bilqis Amin; Ahmed, Shafiqul Azam; Munshi, M.H.; Baqui, A.H.; Hussain, A.M. Zakir
1986Water, water everywhere[editorial]Aziz, K.M.S.
Sep-1984Weak serum and intestinal antibody responses to Vibrio cholerae soluble hemagglutinin in cholera patientsSvennerholm, Ann-Mari; Levine, Myron M.; Holmgren, Jan
1986The weanling's dilemma: are we making progressRowland, Michael G.M.
Dec-1968Weight gain from birth to 4.5 years of age in a Sylhet tea garden populaton[abstract]Bairagi, R; Rahman, M.M; Mackay, D.M.