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Showing results 4766 to 4785 of 6187 < previous   next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1995A qualitative exploration of some socioeconomic issues in South Uddomdi, Matlab[book]Mahbub, Amina; Mayeed, Maliha; Roy, Rita Das
2017Qualitative study examining migration, maternal health care, and family planning practices among slum dwellers living in Dhaka and ChittagongGazi, Rukhsana; Nahar, Quamrun; Shelly, Sayeda Bilkis; Streatfield, Peter Kim; Blum, Lauren S.
14-Nov-2007A qualitative study of the problem-solving process in obstetric complications: the gap between home and hospitalJuncker, Therese; Akhter, Parveen
2003Quality characteristics of field workers and contraceptive use dynamics: lessons from Matlab, BangladeshIslam, M. Mazharul; Barua, Monoj Kumar; Bairagi, Radheshyam
2000The quality of care provided at union health and family welfare centres in Bangladesh : clints' perspectivesKhanum, Parveen A.; Wirzba, Helene; Haque, Indirani; Mirza, Tanjina; Juncker, Therese
1998Quality of care, clint satisfaction, and contraceptive use in rural BangladeshKane, Thomas T.; Hossain, Mian Bazle; Barkat-e-Khuda
1997Quality of care, clint satisfaction, and contraceptive use in rural Bangladesh[book chapter]Kane, Thomas; Hossain, Mian Bazle; Barkat-e-Khuda
Apr-2009Quality of obstetric care in public-sector facilities and constraints to implementing emergency obstetric care services: evidence from high- and low-performing districts of BangladeshAnwar, Iqbal; Kalim, Nahid; Koblinsky, Marge
1996The quality of urban EPI services in Bangladesh : findings from the urban initiatives's needs assesssssssment study in zone 3 of Dhaka cityPerry, Henry; Arifeen, Shams El; Hossain, Iqbal; Weierbach, Robert
23-Mar-1978Quantitation of antitrypsin to detect the gastrointestinal protein loss is diarrhoea and dysenteryWahed, M.A.
Jun-1997Quantitative assessment of IgG and IgA subclass producing cells in rectal mucosa during shigellosisIslam, Dilara; Veress, Bela; Bardhan, Pradip Kumar; Lindberg, Alf A.; Christensson, Birger
Mar-1979The quantitative effect of infection on the use of food by young children in poor countriesBrisco, John
Jan-1972Quantitative studies of toxin in the stools and jejunal aspirates of patients with choleraAziz, K.M.S.; Mosley, Wiley Henly
Apr-1983The question of classical cholera[letter]Cook, Warren L.; Wachsmuth, Kaye; Feeley, John; Huq, Imdadul
Mar-1980R-factor carriage in a group F vibrio isolated from BangladeshMcNicol, L.A.; Kaper, J.B.; Lockman, H.A.; Remmers, E.F.; Spira, W.M.; Colwell, R.R.
29-Jan-1986Randimized clinical trial to compare efficacy of ampcillin and hirtacin in shigellosisJahan, Khurshid; Alam, A.N.; Ahmed, Luthfor; Haider, Rukhsana; Ahmed, Kamaluddin; Aziz, K.M.S.
20-Jun-2000Randomised comparision of maternal and infant immunization strategies to prevent pneumococcal diseaseNigar, Shahid S.
2002Randomised comparision of maternal and infant immunization strategies to prevent pneumococcal diseaseNigar, Shahid Sayem
Aug-1998Randomised comparison of ciprofloxacin suspension and pivmecillinam for childhood shigellosisSalam, Mohammed Abdus; Dhar, Ujjwal; Khan, Wasif Ali; Bennish, Michael L.
Aug-1996Randomised controlled comparison of single-dose ciprofloxacin and doxycycline for cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae 01 or 0139Khan, Wasif Ali; Bennish, Michael L.; Seas, Carios; Khan, Eradul Haq; Ronan, Anne; Dhar, Ujjwal; Busch, Witheim; Salam, Mohammed Abdus