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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-1964Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Annual Progress Report, Dacca, East PakistanCholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
Nov-1965Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Annual Progress Report, Dacca, East Pakistan, November, 1965Cholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
Dec-1968Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Eighth Meeting of the Directing Council Dacca, East Pakistan, December 11-12, 1968Cholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
Mar-1966Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Fifth meeting of the Directing Council Dacca, East Pakistan- March 9-10, 1966 1965Cholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
Feb-1962Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: First meeting of the Directing Council Dacca, East Pakistan February 1962.Cholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
Jan-1965Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Fourth meeting of the Directing Council Dacca, East Pakistan January 1965Cholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
Nov-1967Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Meeting of Clinical Investigation Committee 26 November 1966, Dacca, East PakistanCholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
Nov-1966Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Meeting of Clinical Investigation Committee 26 November 1966, Dacca, East PakistanCholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
Jun-1969Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Proceedings of the Directing COuncil and Report for the Fiscal Year 1969 (July 1, 1968-June 30, 1969)Cholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
Jun-1969Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Proceedings of the Tecnical Committee and Report for the Fiscal Year 1969 (July, 1 1968-June 30, 1969)Colera Research Laboratory, East Pakistan East Pakistan
Nov-1962Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Second Meeting of the Directing Council Dacca, East Pakistan 15-16 November 1962.Cholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
Jan-1968Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Seventh Meeting of the Directing Council Dacca, East Pakistan January 17-18, 1968Cholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
Dec-1968Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Sixth Meeting of the Tecnical Committee. Dacca, East Pakistan December 9-10, 1968Cholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
Mar-1967Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Sixth Meeting of the Directing Council Dacca, East Pakistan March 8-9, 1967Cholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
1967Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Tecnical Committee Meeting 14-16, February, 1967. Dacca, East PakistanCholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
Nov-1963Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory: Third meeting of the Directing Council Dacca, East Pakistan November 18-19, 1963.Cholera Resarch Laboratory, Dacca, East Pakistan
Nov-1965Pancreatic and hepatic hypersecretion in choleraGreenough, W.B.,III
15-Dec-1985Pancreatic exocrine function in acute diarrhoea caused by vibrio cholerae and shigellaCollins, B.J.; Bardhan, P.K.; Molla, A.M.; Van Loon, F.; Molla, Ayesha; Gyr, Klaus
Feb-2000Pandemic spread of an O3:K6 clone of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and emergence of related strains evidenced by arbitrarily primed PCR and toxRS sequence analysesMatsumoto, Chiho; Okuda, Jun; Ishibashi, Masanori; Iwanaga, Masaaki; Garg, Pallavi; Rammamurthy, Thandavarayn; Wong, Hin-Chung; Depaola, Angelo; Kim, Yung Bu; Albert, M. John; Nishibuchi, Mitsuaki
Aug-2009Paramedic-conducted mental health counselling for abused women in rural Bangladesh: an evaluation from the perspective of participantsNaved, Ruchira T.; Rimi, Nadia A.; Jahan, Shamshad; Lindmark, Gunilla