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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2000The O139 serogroup of Vibrio cholerae comprises diverse clones of epidemic and nonepidemic strains derived from multiple V. cholerae O1 or non-O1 progenitorsFaruque, Shah M.; Saha, Manujendra N.; Asadulghani; Sack, David A.; Sack, R. Bradley; Takeda, Yoshifumi; Nair, G. Balakrish
1975Objective indices of social class in Agrarian families in Matlab[book chapter]Islam, Shafiqul; Curlin, George
Sep-1986Observation questioning a protective role for breast-feeding in severe rotavirus diarrhoeaGlass, Roger I.; Stool, Barbara J.; Wyatt, Richard G.; Hoshino, Yasutaka; Banu, Hasina; Kapikian, Albert Z.
Jan-1965Observations on the Interrelationship of choleraphages and El tor vibrios[conference paper]Rizvi, Saiyid S.H.; Monsur, K.A.
1965Observations on the interrelationship of choleraphages and El Tor Vibrios[conference paper]Rizvi, Saiyi H.; Monsur, K. A.
7-May-1995Obstetric care in a district hospital in bangladesh: an organizational ethnographyLeppard, Margaret; Ross, J.
1997Obstetric complications: the health care-seeking process before admission at the hospital in rural BangladeshJuncker, Therese; Khanum, Parveen A.
13-Nov-1989Obstetrical decision making in a pluralistic medical setting : women in rural BangladeshStark, Nancy Norris; Aziz, K.M.A.; Fauveau, Vincent
Dec-2009Occult pneumonia: an unusual but perilous entity presenting with severe malnutrition and dehydrating diarrhoeaChisti, Mohammod J.; Salam, Mohammed A.; Sharifuzzaman; Pietroni, Marc A. C.
1974Occupation: a detreminant of birth and death rates in rural BangladeshChowdhury, A.I.; Aziz, K.M.A.
1995Occurrence and distribution of culturable vibrio cholerae 01 in aquatic environments of BangladeshIslam, M.S.; Alam, M.J.; Khan, S.I.
Feb-2008Occurrence and expression of luminescence in Vibrio choleraeGrim, Christopher J.; Taviani, Elisa; Alam, Munirul; Huq, Anwar; Sack, R. Bradley; Colwell, Rita R.
1992Occurrence of a large plasmid in a strain of Plesiomonas shigelloides with cross-reactivity against Shigella sonneiSayeed, S.; Sack, D.A.; Qadri, F.
2002Occurrence of antibiotic resistance gene cassettes aac(6')-Ib, dfrA5, dfrA12, and ereA2 in class I integrons in non-O1, non-O139 Vibrio cholerae strains in IndiaThungapathra, M.; Amita; Sinha, Kislay K.; Chaudhuri, Saumya Ray; Garg, Pallavi; Ramamurthy, Thandavarayan; Nair, Gopinath Balakrish; Ghosh, Amit
Mar-1996Occurrence of culturable Vibrio cholerae O139 with ctx gene in various components of the aquatic environment in BangladeshIslam, M.S.; Alam, M.J.; Begum, A.; Rahim, Z.; Felsenstein, A.; Albert, M. John
Dec-1985Occurrence of diatom-bloom in the coastal area of Bangladesh (Short communication)Islam, A.K.M. Nurul; Morshed, Md. Golam
1992Occurrence of haemolysin producing Aeromonas species in the aquatic environmentParveen, Salina; Huq, Anwarul; Hasan, Jafru A.K.; Aziz, K.M. Sultanul
1992Occurrence of resistance to vibriostatic compound 0/129 in Vibrio cholerae 01 isolated from clinical and environmental samples in BangladeshHuq, Anwarul; Alam, Munirul; Parveen, Salina; Colwell, R.R.
1978Occurrence of two electrophoretically distinct albumins in human serum(abstract)Wahed, M.A.; Aziz, K.M.S.; Chowdhury, A.K.M. Alauddin; Rahman, M. Mujibur
Feb-1981Occurrence of Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 in Maryland and Louisiana estuariesColwell, Rita R.; Seidler, Ramon J.; Kaper, James; Joseph, S.W.; Garges, Sue; Lockman, Hank; Maneval, David; Bradford, Henry; Roberts, Nell; Remmers, Elaine; Huq, Imdadul; Huq, Anwarul