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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Jul-1980B subunit blocking of cholera toxin in family contracts of cholera patientsGlass, Roger; Holmgren, Jan; Greenough, W.B.
Sep-1980B subunit blocking of cholera toxin in family contracts of cholera patientsGlass, Roger; Holmgren, Jan; Greenough, W.B.
Jan-1987B subunit-whole cell and whole cell-only oral vaccines against cholera: studies on reactogenicity and immunogenicityClemens, John D.; Stanton, Bonita F.; Chakraborty, J.; Sack, David A.; Khan, M.R.; Huda, S.; Ahmed, F.; Harris, Jeffery R.; Yunus, M.; Khan, M.U.; Svennerholm, Ann-Mari; Jertborn, M.; Holmgren, Jan
1990B-Carotene losses during different methods of cooking green leafy vegetables in BangladeshRahman, M. Mujibur; Wahed, M.A.; Ali, M. Akbar
Jun-1993The baby friendly hospital initiative and activities in Bangladesh[review articles]Haider, Rukhsana
2007Backyard poultry raising practices in BangladeshSultana, Rebeca
Sep-1993Bacteraemia and meningitis among hospital patients with diarrhoeaMitra, Amal K.; Albert, M. John; Alam, A.N.
1986Bacteremia due to gram-negative organisms during diarrhoeaHuq, M.I.; Shahid, N.S.; Ahmed, W.U.
Mar-1991Bacteremia during diarrhea: incidence, etiology, risk factors, and outcomeStruelens, Marc J.; Bennish, Michael L.; Mondal, Gabriel; Wojtyniak, Bogdan J.
Feb-1984Bacteremia in a diarrheal disease hospital : etiology, epidemiology and clinical featuresStruenens, M.; Patte, D.; Bennish, M.
19-Mar-1984Bacteremia in a diarrheal disease hospital: etiology, epidemiology and clinical featuresStruelens, M.; Patte, D.; Bennish, M.
2017Bacterial and viral pathogen spectra of acute respiratory infections in under-5 children in hospital settings in Dhaka cityBhuyan, Golam Sarower; Hossain, Mohammad Amir; Sarker, Suprovath Kumar; Rahat, Asifuzzaman; Islam, Md Tarikul; Haque, Tanjina Noor; Begum, Noorjahan; Qadri, Syeda Kashfi; Muraduzzaman, A.K.M; Islam, Nafisa Nawal; Islam, Mohammad Sazzadul; Sultana, Nusrat; Jony, Manjur Hossain Khan; Khanam, Farhana; Mowla, Golam; Matin, Abdul; Begum, Firoza; Shirin, Tahmina; Ahmed, Dilruba; Saha, Narayan; Qadri, Firdausi; Mannoor, Kaiissar
May-1993Bacterial clump formation at the surface of liquid culture as a rapid test for identification of enteroaggregative Escherichia coliAlbert, M.John; Qadri, Firdausi; Haque, Azizul; Bhuiyan, Nurul A.
Feb-1990Bacterial contamination of weaning foods and drinking water in rural BangladeshHenry, F.J.; Patwary, Y.; Huttly, S.R.A.; Aziz, K.M.A.
Sep-1982Bacterial diarrhoeal diseases: current concepts on etiology and pathogenesisGreenough III, W.B.
Jun-1995Bacterial meningitis in a diarrhoeal disease treatment centre in Bangladesh, and susceptibility of the pathogens to antimicrobials[short communication]Khan, Wasif Ali; Seas, C.; Dhar, Ujjal; Salam, M. A.
1988Bacterial overgrowth by indigenous microflora in the phytohemagglutinin-fed ratBanwell, J.G.; Howard, R.; Kabir, I.; Costerton, J.W.
1986Bacterial resistance in the Far EastHuq, M.I.
Mar-1995Bacterial translocation in the rat model of lectin induced diarrhoeaShoda, R.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Wahed, M.A.; Albert, M. John
1963Bacterilogical diagnosis of cholera under field conditionsMonsur, K.A.