Browse by Subject Abortion, Induced

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Showing results 10 to 19 of 19 < previous 
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2007Health and science bulletin vol.5 no.2[Bangla]International Centre For Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
1997Induced abortion : results from two rural areas of BangladeshAhmed, Shameem; Parveen, Sadia D.; Islam, Ariful; Khanum, Parveen A.
Jul-1999Induced abortion in a rural area of Bangladesh: process management health consequencesBhuiya, Abbas; Aziz, Ayesha; Chowdhury, Mushtaque
10-Jul-1996Induced abortion in the developing world: testing an indirect measurement techniqueJohnston, Heidi Bart; Bairagi, Radheshyam
Jun-2001Ordeal of Women for induced abortion in a rural area of BangladeshBhuiya, Abbas Uddin; Aziz, Ayesha; Chowdhury, Mushtaque
Mar-1999Pregnancy termination in a rural subdistrict of Bangladesh : a microstudyCaldwell, Bruce; Barkat-e-Khuda; Ahmed, Shameem; Fazilatun, Nessa; Haque, Indrani
Aug-2005Shasthya sanglap vol.14 no. 1-2[Bengali]International Centre For Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
2006Situation Analysis of Unsafe Abortion in Bangladesh: Magnitude, Populations at Risk, Resources and ConsequencesOliveras, Elizabeth; Johnston, Heidi
2009Strengthening health system capacity to monitor and evaluate programs targeted at reducing abortion-related maternal mortalityJohnston, Heidi
Jun-2010Strengthening health systems capacity to monitor and evalute programmes targeted at reducing abortion-related maternal mortalityHuda, Fauzia Akhter; Ford, Evelyn; Deshpande, Aartee; Haque, Nafis Al; Quaiyum, M.A.; Healy, Joan; Otsea, Karen; Johnston, Heidi Bart